Don't let the tech side of business hold you back for even one more day!

Get everything you need to get moving on your business all DONE FOR YOU!

Be proud to share your business and get prepared to grow!!!

Don't let the tech side of business hold you back for even one more day!

Get everything you need to get moving on your business all DONE FOR YOU!

Be proud to share your business and get prepared to grow!!!

Business-in-a-Box is perfect for you if...

  • you want to have all the pieces in place to start your business out on the right foot, set up for success from the beginning

  • you have already started a business but are missing some of the foundational pieces like cohesive branding, an email list, a website, etc.

  • you have tried to put it all together but right now your business feels all over the place instead of a professional, seamless online presence.

  • you are completely paralyzed by the technology needed to get your biz up and running

  • You're at the place in your business where you're ready to hire someone so you can focus on what you do best.

You’ve probably seen women who taught themselves how to build a website, email list, and beautiful social media presence without any help.

But every time you try, it never looks right or works the way it is supposed to and you want to throw your computer out the window.

You may have thought you’re the problem, that it comes easy to everyone else, that you SHOULD be able to do it all on your own.

Those are all lies straight from the enemy meant to keep you stuck and scared, and will keep the idea God put inside you hidden.

The truth is you and your struggles are NORMAL! Most of the coaching clients we help have the exact same problem you do. Technology IS hard, it takes a lot of practice and trial and error that you don’t have time for!!!

Imagine turning your business idea over to a skilled professional and having ALL the technology done for you. 

Imagine being proud to send customers to your website and feeling confident because everything looks professional and legitimate.

Imagine having an automated online system that collects and nurtures new customers on your email list, and helps you turn them into raving customers.

If you had the technology taken care of, you could focus all your energy on creating products and services that truly serve your people and solve their problems.

The work you do matters in eternity so don't waste another minute trying to learn a new tech platform or how to create an automation!

US Based Virtual Assistants

Our Virtual Assistant Agency is staffed with qualified, trained, US-based professionals that have done the learning curve and years of trial and error so that you don’t have to. We’ve honed our process down so we offer you the design and technology pieces we know will serve you best in your business and turn your efforts into profits..

US Based Virtual Assistants

Our Virtual Assistant Agency is staffed with qualified, trained, US-based professionals that have done the learning curve and years of trial and error so that you don’t have to. We’ve honed our process down so we offer you the design and technology pieces we know will serve you best in your business and turn your efforts into profits..

Introducing . . .

  • Logo and Branding Guide

  • Email List

  • Email Opt-in

  • Single Page Website

  • Social Media Set-up

100% done for you!

Make 2023 the year you overcome challenges with technology! Let us build a gorgeous online presence for your business, so you can spend time doing work that matters and that puts dollars in the bank. 

God put dreams in your heart for a reason. The world needs what you have to offer, and there are people stuck in their lives waiting for your product or service to help them. 

Create a life-changing business

without the headache of fumbling through website creation and wondering if people can tell your logo was homemade. 

Generate leads on autopilot

with a website, email opt-in, and welcome email to nurture your potential customers with a process that’s tried and true.

Have confidence that

your business has everything it needs to grow and thrive

without being hindered by technology or messy online processes.

Having a recognizable brand is crucial to establishing trust and likability with customers. Our brand and logo package includes:

  • Logo delivered in PNG and JPEG

  • 3-4 colors and 2 fonts 

  • PDF Brand Guide Template

  • Already have a logo and brand guide? Let us help with social media branding!

Your email list is a warm audience of potential customers, and it’s not affected by algorithms or censorship. Our email service includes:

  • Account set up with an Email Service Provider

  • Email opt-in on your website to start building your list

  • One welcome email automation

  • Already have an email list? Let us help add another opt-in and optimize your list!

This is the digital home of your business that connects all the pieces and transforms your hard work into sales. Our website sales page includes:

  • One sales page designed and created in a drag and drop website builder

  • Copywriting that builds trust, clarifies your offer and leads to sales

  • Connection to a payment processor for sales

  • Already have a sales page? Let us help optimize and add reviews so you make more sales!

We love social media because it’s the best free method of gaining fans and turning them into customers. Our social media account setup includes:

  • One-time setup on one social media platform

  • Let us help you write a bio that builds trust and adds value

  • Optimize your profile to attract customers

  • Already have social media? Let us help set up a second account!

  • Full Branding Package — Custom Logo, 2 fonts, 3-4 colors, and Brand guide with design elements ($1497)

  • Email Service Provider set-up with op-in, and welcome email auto-responder ($897)

  • Website Landing Page with payment processor ($1497)

  • Social Media Account set-up with bio and optimization ($497)

Total Value: $4,388

Not sure if Business-in-a-Box is right for you? Here's how it's changed the lives of some of our clients ...

Not sure if Business-in-a-Box is right for you? Here's how it's changed the lives of some of our clients ...

Wow! Working with BizAssist MADE MY BUSINESS POSSIBLE. I’d been dragging my feet on launching my biz, because I was scared of all the unknowns and “techie stuff”. But…without a website, you can’t move forward! I decided to get brave and have the conversation. My VA, Ashley, created my (gorgeous) website in just a few days, and we already have $1,500 in pre-orders for my book. Thank you, BizAssist, for changing my life and setting the foundation for our family legacy.

-Jen McClure


My VA is fabulous! So much so that I hope to continue working with the agency on my next project. Communication was quick and the project was executed all in the way I anticipated. Thank you BizAssist!

-Jourdan Mercurio-Lewis

Summit Nutrition

I love how easy it is to communicate with the VA’s and get projects done. All of the VA’s I’ve worked with get the projects done in a fraction of the time it would take me to complete them.

-Hollie Hauptly

Birth Bootcamp

Wow! Working with BizAssist MADE MY BUSINESS POSSIBLE. I’d been dragging my feet on launching my biz, because I was scared of all the unknowns and “techie stuff”. But…without a website, you can’t move forward! I decided to get brave and have the conversation. My VA, Ashley, created my (gorgeous) website in just a few days, and we already have $1,500 in pre-orders for my book. Thank you, BizAssist, for changing my life and setting the foundation for our family legacy.

-Jen McClure

Chapter Two Wisdom

I love how easy it is to communicate with the VA’s and get projects done. All of the VA’s I’ve worked with get the projects done in a fraction of the time it would take me to complete them.

-Hollie Hauptly

Birth Bootcamp

My VA is fabulous! So much so that I hope to continue working with the agency on my next project. Communication was quick and the project was executed all in the way I anticipated. Thank you BizAssist!

-Jourdan Mercurio-Lewis

Summit Nutrition

Imagine your business at the end of 2023...

Will it be another year like this one where you quieted the voice inside you that has a dream to help people and the flexibility of owning a business because you were terrified by the tech needed to get you there? 

Will you feel scattered and overwhelmed because you don’t have the technical systems in place you need to grow?

OR will you be confidently promoting your business because you are proud of what you have built?!?

Remember friend, it’s not your fault. So many of our coaching clients feel exactly like you do, and we know it’s a need. That’s why we created Business-in-a-Box, to solve that problem for you, so you can focus on what you do best!

If I’m just starting out am I ready for Business-in-a-Box? 

Yes! We can’t tell you how many clients come to us wishing they had started their business off on the right foot with technology. If you have a business idea, our team of virtual assistants is ready to help you get started the right way.

I already have some of the pieces done from Business-in-a-Box, is it still right for me?

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, confused, or scattered about your business technology, we can help. We can take the pieces you already have and optimize and add to them, and we’ll connect the pieces you don’t have for a solid, cohesive online business you feel confident in.

How long will the process take?

Once you’ve completed your intake form and been matched with a virtual assistant, you can expect your Business-in-a-Box build to take 4 to 6 weeks (maybe even less). It’s a small time investment compared to what you will save not spinning your wheels and you can move forward with clarity. 

How will I communicate with my virtual assistant?

We communicate through email and our project management system, HoneyBook, so you know exactly where your project is at and can get your questions answered.

What if I want to make changes to my logo and website?

Our process includes one round of edits so if you can make the minor adjustments needed. We use pre-made templates so you can count on the consistency and quality of our work. We have refined the process down to a science and helped 10k+ entrepreneurs launch their businesses! Once your Business-in-a-Box build is complete, you will own those assets and can make changes on your own any time you wish, or hire one of our virtual assistants to help you.

Here’s the truth.

Often in business, it’s fear that keeps us from taking action on the things God has called us to do. But we rationalize that fear by blaming technology instead.

This is totally normal and rather than staying stuck, we’re here to serve you so you can take the next steps forward.

There are people who need your help waiting on you, do it scared!

We've helped over 500 biz owners!

We can help you too!!!

2022 | Magic Brush, Inc. DBA Jennifer Allwood